Her Presence In Colours

《Her Presence In Colours》— A series since 1993...
Conservatory of Fine Arts (CFA), an art institution cum art center established in 1987 as a vehicle to perpetuate the development of Fine Arts in the region under the initiative of Dr. Yuen Chee Ling, the co-founder cum Director of Conservatory of Fine Arts, the first Her Presence in Colours I - 7 Asian Women Artists Exhibition was successfully held at the Central Institute of Fine Arts, Beijing, China in July 2003. This first Asian women artists show was supported by the Ministry of Culture Malaysia, the Penang State Government and the China International Friendship Association.
Since then, Her Presence in Colours exhibition series have expanded in its scope and arena. To date, Her Presence in Colours -International Women Artists Exhibition Series I to XII were held at the museums /important state art galleries at Beijing (1993), Penang(1995,1997), Bangkok(1999-2000), Sheffield (UK-2002), )Kuala Lumpur (2003), Melbourne (Australia-2004), Dague (Korea-2006), Beijing (OLympic-2008), Portland (USA 2010), Ho Chi Ming City (Vietnam 2012), Ulanbaatar (Mongolia-2014), Kaohsiung (China Taiwan 2016), Shanghai, China (2018), The coming Her Presence in Colours exhibition series XIV will be held in San Francisco, USA.