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Existence • Her Power
存在 • 她力量
International Female Contemporary Art Exhibition
Female artists exist with a unique configuration in society. They externalize their internal states with art, searching for self-identity and self-existence, exploring life through the female gaze and carving out a space for female narratives. Existence · Her Power exhibition series evolves in tandem with the constant transformations in life and rehabilitates the “self” in existence. It investigates gender equality situated in the contemporary milieu and sustains conversations in the positioning of female existence.
Exhibition Period: 24-29th March, 2023
Opening Night: 24th March, 2023, 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Opening Ceremony: 24th March, 2023, 6:00 PM
Venue: Exhibition Hall, 1/F, Low Block, Hong Kong City Hall, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 24th – 28th March, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM; 29th March 10:00 AM – 4:00PM

Online Exhibition
Curation Team
Room 1-6, 21/F, Mega Trade Center, 1 Mei Wan St., Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2416 3632
Fax: +852 2416 8792
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